Case Studies

Case Studies

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Brian Beckwith DOP and his TLS Canon Rangefinders

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Brian Beckwith is a director of photography originally from New York. Brian went to school in Chicago, moved to LA the day he graduated, and ever since then he is practicing and improving his cinematography skills every day. Brian says “I started out as a kid shooting YouTube videos with friends and fell in love with cinematography. I have since then developed an unhealthy obsession for Cinema Lenses, in fact I may become one of those people who marries an object aka a lens later in life, I fear. “

Brian came across TLS a few years ago, and he has used TLS Rehoused lenses on many commercials, documentaries, music videos, and branded content. Some productions include "Offset Ft. Travis Scott - Say My Grace" shot in Thailand and “Slick Chicks - Any Other Day" campaign. He says his favourite lens has to be the TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder 50mm F/0.95 lens.

Why do you choose to use TLS rehoused lenses?

I choose to use TLS rehoused lenses because of the quality. They feel like a cinema lens and not a rehoused lens. I find The Cam-based focus system vs the traditional helicoid system is more friendly to modern day wireless follow focus systems and holds up better in extreme weather conditions. When it comes to big budget productions, time is money and when you introduce vintage glass that we all love for the character, you can introduce more time dealing with/ handling the vintage glass. For example, if the glass is not rehoused properly or even rehoused at all you will spend a lot more time changing lenses, moving focus motors, rebalancing the camera, etc. When you are on set, I don't have the time to think about that aspect, especially when every minute counts. Don't believe me? Use a set of regular Lomo Round Front Anamorphic lenses 1 day. Then a set rehoused by TLS the next day and you'll understand this concept completely. Having all my lenses rehoused by TLS they all share the same front diameter and a similar form factor making lens changes faster / easier. TLS is just straight up more reliable throughout the years of use.

The Offset music production Ft. Travis Scott - Say My Grace.

I have worked with many music directors within the industry, and I have built strong relationships through the years. So, when I was contacted to work on this production, it was a definite ‘Yes’ from me! 

The video was to be filmed in Thailand, as both performing artists were playing at concerts there during the same time of production. I have always wanted to go to Thailand, so, this opportunity was something that I could not miss. And after learning about the song, music and visuals I knew this song would be a massive hit. 

I chose to use my TLS Rehoused Canon Rangefinders. These lenses were the perfect match to the visual. I wanted to highlight the character of Thailand with the character of the lenses. The visual was meant to be gritty, so pairing the rangefinder's, which are obviously more vintage, they really helped engrave the gritty look into the footage that I was looking for.

Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brain Beckwith with Offset
Travis Scott on Say My Grace music production
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brian Beckwith with TLS rehoused Canon Rangefinder lenses
Brain Beckwith with Offset
Travis Scott on Say My Grace music production

If you would like to see more of Brian's work, take a look at his website or you can connect with him on his Instagram account

'To inspire through innovation, passion and quality'
'To inspire through innovation, passion and quality'